Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tarbell's History of Standard Oil

1. How did Rockefeller set out to acquire control of the oil industry?
Rockefeller set out to acquire control of the control of the oil industry by claiming all the oil that was sold belonged to him. He planned to input his own agents within all the local and independent industries around the world. He had previously organized oil refining and transporting, so he was eager to take on this task he so desired to succeed in.

2. Do you think Rockefeller deserved to be called a "robber baron?" Why or why not?
Yes this name seems appropriate for Rockefeller because he planned to take over the entire oil industry by basically undermining the system. From the start he said all the oil belonged to him, and he just decided to slither in his employees in oil industries worldwide. The whole process seems a bit sly to me. 

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