Wednesday, November 2, 2011


1. What major areas or countries of the world were immigrants coming from?
Immigrants were coming from China, southern, western, and eastern Europe, Mexico, and the West Indies.

2. What were the two major immigration processing stations in the United States?
The two major immigration processing stations in the United States were  Ellis Island and Angel Island.

3. Define Melting Pot.
A "melting pot" is a mix of people with different races and cultures who have "blended together" by getting rid of their native customs and languages. 

4. Define Nativism.
Nativism is obvious preference towards native-born Americans.

5. According to the Immigration Restriction League, list the desirable immigrants.

  • British, German, and Scandinavian stock
  • historically free
  • energetic
  • progressive

6. According to the Immigration Restriction League, list the “wrong” immigrants.
  • Slav, Latin, and Asiatic races
  • historically down-trodden
  • stagnant
7. Why did nativists’ sometimes object to an immigrant’s religious background?
Nativists sometimes objected to an immigrant's religious background because many native-born Americans were Protestants and thought that immigrants with Roman Catholic and Jewish religious backgrounds would "undermine the democratic institutions established by the country's Protestant founders."
8. Why was the Chinese Exclusion Act passed?

The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed because American workers were worried that Chinese laborers were taking their jobs since they accepted lower wages.

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