Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dictators Threaten World Peace

1. Why did the new democracies set up after World War I fail? (And yes, I am aware the answer is in the reading so make sure your answer is in your own words.)      
The new democracies set up after World War I failed because democracy wasn't something that had been that common, and so countries didn't really know how to go about it: lack of "democratic tradition". So in order to solve their problems, countries looked to authoritarian figures instead. Thus, the attempted democracies failed and dictators arose.

2. What are the characteristics of a totalitarian state?     
The characteristics of a totalitarian state are: has government that completely controls the citizens, individuals have no rights, and the government quells all opposition.

3. What factors led to the rise of Fascism in Italy?     
The factors that led to the rise of Fascism in Italy are: inflation and unemployment caused strikes, the demands of middle and upper classes for leadership, and Mussolini's support won by his persuasiveness based on the public's worries for their economy and government.

4. What were the key ideas and goals that Hitler presented in Mein Kampf ?      
The key ideas and goals that Hitler presented in Mein Kampf are: the main beliefs of nazism, racial purification, and national expansion.

5. Why did Japan invade Manchuria?     
Japan invaded Manchuria because they desired more living space for their increasing population.

6. What foreign countries were involved in the Spanish Civil War?     
The foreign countries that were involved in the Spanish Civil War were Germany, Italy, Ethiopia (African Americans angry about Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia), America (Abraham Lincoln Battalion), and the Soviet Union.

7. What factors contributed to America's growing isolationism?      
An onslaught of books accusing bankers and arms dealers of bringing the U.S. into WWI was a large factor of isolationism in America. People began to become very antiwar, believing that it was just for the benefit of  these "merchants of death". Roosevelt's "Quarantine Speech" also caused much protest, as some people believed Roosevelt was trying to drag them into another war.

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