Monday, May 7, 2012

Berlin Blockade Document Analysis

1. What type of document is this? What is its purpose?      
This document is a memorandum, or a written message. It's purpose is to inform the President of Soviet activity.
2. When was it written? Why is that significant?     
 It was written June 30, 1948. This is significant because it was in the midst of the Cold War, where there were extremely high tensions between Truman and the USSR. 

3. Who created the document? Who received the document?     

 The director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), R. H. Hillenkoetter, created the document. President Truman received the document. 

4. Who is Marshal Sokolovsky?     

 Marshal Sokolovsky was the head of the Russian officials in the meeting between them and German members of the German industrial committee which took place in Karlshorst on June 28, 1948.

5. How did the CIA get information of the meeting between Marshal Sokolovsky and German members of the German industrial committee?      

 The CIA got information of the meeting between Marshal Sokolovsky and the German members of the German industrial committee from a spy that they put in Berlin.

6. What were the three Soviet alternatives as they presented themselves when this document was written? What policy did the Soviets pursue over the course of the next nine months? Why?   
The three soviet alternatives as they presented themselves when this document was written were: start a war, lift the travel restrictions at Berlin, and leave all of Berlin to the West, giving them the rail  line. The policy that the Soviets pursued over the course of the next nine months was to maintain the blockade because they didn't want to lose face by lifting the blockade, they weren't able to sustain another war, and because they didn't want to just give Berlin to the West.


7. Stalin stated in a speech on February 9, 1946, "he [Stalin] blamed the last war on 'capitalist monopolies' and warning that, since the same forces still operated, the USSR must treble the basic materials of national defense such as iron and steel, double coal and oil production, and to delay the manufacture of consumer goods until rearmament was complete." Who are the "capitalist monopolies?" How does this statement enlighten the Soviet viewpoint against the United States? Were the Allies justified in canceling the shipments of German reparations to the Soviets at the end of World War II? Why did the Soviets rely so heavily on Germany for food and industry?        
The "capitalist monopolies" are France, Britain, and the U.S. This statement enlightens the Soviet viewpoint against the United States because it shows that that the Soviets viewed the United States as almost tyrannical capitalists that were just in it for the money. Yes, the Allies were justified in canceling the shipments of German reparations to the Soviets at the end of World War II because they didn't want to repeat the Treaty of Versailles, which didn't work the first time. The Soviets relied so heavily on German for food and industry because Russia was having heavy droughts, and they were dependent on German supplies during that time of year.

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