Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Iron Curtain Separates Europe

1. What is your overall impression of Source 26 (p. 70) and use extracts from the source to support your view. (No fence sitting; you must choose one but not both)      

• a reasonable assessment of Stalin’s aims based on the facts
• an overreaction to Stalin’s actions based on fear of and prejudice towards the USSR?        
I would say that Source 26  is a reasonable assessment of Stalin's aims based on the facts. This is because within the quote, "...not only is the Soviet Government not prepared to co-operate with any non-Communist controlled government in eastern Europe, but it is actively preparing to extend its hold over the remaining part of continental Europe...." the British Foreign Secretary is looking at what the USSR has chosen to do and is planning to do, he is looking at the facts and making a logical assumption that the Soviet Union plans to keep spreading communism over the world. He doesn't appear to hold too much prejudice, and he even admits that the USSR could potentially be successful in the quote, "The immensity of the aim should not betray us into believing that it cannot be achieved. Basically, source 26 was somewhat objective and just appeared to analyze the facts at hand rather than overreact due to prejudice. 

2. Source 26 is a British source. Does it seem likely that similar documents were being produced by the American government?      
Yes it seems likely that similar documents were being produced by the American government because both Britain and the U.S. at this point realized Stalin was in it to win it, and wasn't planning to back down against non-communist governments. So, reports such as this would most likely be being delivered often in both the United States and Britain to the cabinets. 
3. Study Source 27 (p. 71) and make a list of three different actions that Communists took to achieve power in eastern Europe. Explain how each factor helped.     

  1. Communists adapted a left-wing coalition government and exiled a non-communist leader in Poland. This non-communist leader would help enforce communism in Poland, and the coalition government would make it seem like the Soviet communists would run for elections, but then they'd just take over. 
  2. Communists rid of of the monarchy in Romania and made a communist into Prime Minister there. This was a continuation of what the USSR had been doing to other countries in eastern Europe: eradicating any other government and implementing communism. 
  3. Banned other parties after election in Czechoslovakia and made it a one-party state. This was another example of how the USSR would have "elections" where the left-wing coalition would win, and then just use that to take over the country and enforce communism. One the USSR made Czechoslovakia a one-party state, elections were no more, and communism was the dominant government. 
Basically all three of these actions spread communism throughout eastern Europe and rid of any opposing governments that might've threatened their power.

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