Monday, September 12, 2011

Myths as Historical Sources

1. Summarize this legend in 2 - 3 sentences.
    Smallpox had terrorized white people for some time, and when he (Smallpox) encountered Saynday, part of the Kiowas, he told him of how he brought death to many. When Smallpox mentions doing so to the Kiowas people, Saynday tricks him into visiting the Pawnees instead, as well as finding out his weakness: fire. Thus, Saynday and his people the Kiowas were supposedly protected from Smallpox by fire from there on, while their rivals the Pawnees were weakened by the wrath of Smallpox.
2. What changes does Saynday notice when he looks at the landscape?
     When Saynday looks at the landscape he notices that the land around him was no longer plentiful; the buffalo had become sickly, the rivers didn't flow, the deer and antelope no longer roamed, and settlers' soddies could be seen along this hills.
3. What is the relationship between Smallpox and white men? 
     The relationship between Smallpox and white men consists of Smallpox coming up from behind,  getting ahead of the white men, and either way causing widespread death among the women, men, and children. Smallpox states that he is white man's companion because of this; meaning he was a burden that followed white men everywhere.
4. According to this legend, in what ways do the Kiowas see themselves as different from white people? 
     I think the Kiowas see themselves as more honorable than the white people, based off the phrase (talking about the Kiowas and how they don't count many things like the white people) "They never count living people-men are not cattle, any more than women and children are." The Kiowas seem to think themselves to be more in tune with nature than the white people are as well.     
5. What do you think was the relationship between the Kiowas and the Pawnees?

     The Pawnees and the Kiowas must have been enemies for awhile; considering the Pawnees, who lived nearby, were extremely wealthy, and the Kiowas were not. That's why Saynday sent Smallpox to the Pawnees: they were the rivals of the Kiowas.

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