Friday, September 16, 2011

Indian Removal Act

1. Read pages 10 - 12 (Stop at "Settlers Move West"). Why did the United States fight or negotiate with dozens of Indian groups for the lands in the Louisiana Territory?  
    If this question means fighting and negotiating with the Indians in order to move them into the Louisiana Territory, which is what the reading said, then:
     The United States was gradually expanding, and therefore when Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory, he did so knowing that it would be a convenient place to move the Indians in order to move them out of U.S. states like Georgia. Of course, many Native Americans refused to do so considering they had established sturdy homes and societies. Other tribes complied, such as the Choctaws. But when the Cherokees absolutely refused to negotiate or comply at all, the United States had to force them into the territory, which was an event known as the Trail of Tears. The U.S. was hungry for more land, and it's belief in manifest destiny was the reason for all the Indian Removal Acts.

2. In what ways did the Cherokees assimilate U.S. values and customs?
     The Cherokees established a republic based off of the United State's government, created a constitution, and declared themselves an independent nation. They also participated in the successful cotton economy; and some owned African American slaves as well. The Cherokee, while still upholding their original customs and traditions, managed to create a government for themselves and participate in lucrative economy.

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